State AB


Logo 19feb12:00 pmFebruary Open Consignment Auction ( Featuring Antiques & Collectables )Timed Online Auction12:00 pm Brooks, Alberta Event Organized ByAnnett Auctions


Logo 01apr10:00 amANNUAL KILLARNEY and DISTRICT TIMED ONLINE CONSIGNMENT SALE (204-534-7783)Timed Online Auction10:00 am Killarney, Manitoba Event Organized ByFraser Auction Ltd.


Logo 17jun12:00 pmESTATE of KEN OSTASH ONLINE VIRTUAL FARM AUCTION (204-365-6363 0r 204-365-7337)Live Webcast Auction12:00 pm Shoal Lake, Manitoba Event Organized ByFraser Auction Ltd.